Brazil parents facing massive fines for refusing COVID shots for their babies
We have done four testimony sessions in Brazil to help them understand why vaccination against COVID for babies and children does not make any sense and is unsafe
And now, reporting out of Brazil shows that the government-mandated COVID shots for babies and children, under threat of large fines and reporting, have now started.
And not the witch hunt starts, with parents being hauled before the courts and fined massive amounts of money for declining to have their child jabbed in the arm with something unnecessary and potentially dangerous.
Parents have no real way to fight back against the Federal Government mandates, except to protest, and several of us are there to assist them.
On September 11, 2-5 pm (Brazil time) will be a public audience that will also use medical experts from North America who have testified in Brazil on previous occasions (Drs Peter McCullough, Dr Jessica Rose, and myself).
Who will be there to save them?
Do we not care about children enough to protect them?
Next, they will spray gene therapies into our noses so we can spread them to others………
Sickening! Out of control madness.
It's history repeating itself going back 100 years.
Coming to a country near you. THIS is how the population will be stripped of their wealth. We will either comply and take a shot that will kill or sicken us, leaving our families destitute, or we will be forced to pay the fine or spend time in prison. People have NO CLUE how close we are to this form of totalitarianism. We are being depopulated one way or the other unless we unite.